If you want to get the best therapeutic massage, it is a good idea to buy a massage chair. No matter how tired or stressed out you are, you can relax your tensed muscles quite conveniently. It is a practical solution for you if you want to benefit from massage therapy. Here you can read the Osaki OS-4000CS massage chair review with its features and scores. We also mentioned the alternative product.
Osaki OS-4000CS is an exceptional massage chair with plenty of features that can stay long. It is the best-selling massage chair in the market because of the benefits it provides.
Are you thinking of buying a massage chair? Osaki OS-4000CS massage chair is the perfect choice for you. Here are the important features this chair possesses. There are more than the features that we have mentioned below. We found these features quite promising.
Osaki os-4000cs Massage Chair Review – Features
Space Saving Recline Technology
People prefer to have compact and small furniture in their houses to save space. If you live in a small apartment, you’d love the space-saving recline technology of this chair. This chair does not require you to leave an ample amount of space behind the chair. You can conveniently lower the back of the chair to lie down and relax.
24 Airbag Massage
Unlike its competitors, Osaki OS-4000CS comes with 24 airbags. They are more than enough to make the massage chair efficient and effective. The 24 airbag count also reduces the chance of any parts failing. Moreover, they don’t even put much strain to the air pump of the chair. The 24 airbag massage system of this chair completely enhances your massaging experience. The airbags have the ability to automatically inflate and deflate. The airbags squeeze your arms and legs to help you relax your muscles.
Computer Body Scan
Osaki OS-4000-CS comes with body scan technology. This is an advanced and unique technology which offers you a great massage according to your body type. Everybody has a different type of body. For accurate and precise massage therapy, you can use this feature to have a customized body massage. The chair has the ability to detect the size and shape of your body with this computer body scan feature. You don’t have to adjust the massaging techniques on your own, the chair gives you a relaxing massage according to your body type.
Zero Gravity Positioning
Zero Gravity Positioning is the best position for your body to relax. This position evenly distributes the pressure of gravity in your body. This massage chair gives you a zero gravity positioning with dual massage action. It does not put any pressure on your back and heart. You are able to feel relaxed and energized.
L-Track Design
This is another great feature of this massage chair. The L-Track design contours your body from head to your back. It covers a wide portion of your body to give you an ultimate massage experience.
3- Adjustable Shoulder Massage System
This is a unique feature of this massage chair. It allows you to adjust 3 different massage options in the shoulder area. You are able to have a solid message by changing the intensity of the shoulder massage. The adjustable shoulder system also gives you the ability to enhance your fitting and improves the efficiency of the massage chair.
Alternative Option – Osaki OS-4000 Massage Chair
If you are looking for a relaxing massage chair, Osaki OS-4000 is the best one. This chair is designed keeping in mind your comfort and ease. It provides you human-like massaging therapy. It takes you in a deeply relaxing state. Following are some of the amazing feature this chair comes with.
Zero Gravity Technology
The zero gravity position provides you a position which does not have any impact of gravity. The force of gravity is quite harmful to your spine and overall health. The zero gravity technology offers you a safe positioning which is healthy and good for your well-being. It does not put much pressure on your back and overall body. It also keeps your spine in a naturally aligned position.
Wireless Remote and LCD Display controller
The massage chair comes with easy to handle remote controls. You can conveniently change the message options. The LCS display controller lets you control all the functions of the massage chair. It is the main controller of the chair. The wireless remote control also gives you the convenience of controlling the functions of the massage chair.
If you compare Osaki OS-4000 with OS-4000CS, you’d definitely find them to be quite different from one another. The OS-4000CS is an advanced version of OS-4000. It is innovatively designed with modern and advanced technology. OS-4000CS is feature rich. It comes with L-track, enhanced massage programs, and adjustable shoulder airbags.
If you are tight on your budget, you should consider buying OS-4000. It is not as good as OS-4000CS but it is quite functional and relaxing. The OS-4000 is one of the best-selling massage chairs because of the zero gravity position, L-track design, and adjustable shoulder design.